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"PVC fabric + PVC net 1 x 1 mm" combined dividing curtain, vertically lifted with electric drive, for Campus St-Maarten sports hall - Loppem, Belgium

Name of the facility: Campus St-Maarten sports hall
Address: 8210 Loppem, Belgium
Date of realization: September 2023
Type of contract: Delivery and installation of combined "PVC fabric + PVC net 1 x 1 mm" dividing curtain (single-layer PVC fabric with a weight of 650g/m2 up to a height of 2.40 m, above - the PVC net with a mesh of 1 x 1 mm) with dimensions: length L = 13.5 m and height H = 5.58 m, vertically lifted with electric drive, at the Campus St-Maarten sports hall in Loppem, Belgium