Considering the specifics of the produced sports equipment and the conditions and manner of its use, PESMENPOL has taken care to ensure high durability and resistance of the paint coatings. Therefore, the phase of spraying the powder paint and polymerization of the paint coating is preceded by the processes of abrasive blasting and chemical surface preparation of the elements. This is possible thanks to the possession of a modern automated technological line for powder coating, equipped with high-class machines and devices, the components and subassemblies of which have been compiled according to our own guidelines so that the processing effects meet the assumed quality parameters. Increasing the level of quality of protective coatings not only improves the aesthetic value of products, but also extends their service life and enables customization in terms of the colors offered. In the powder coating process, we use polyester paints of the highest quality.
Technological line for chemical surface preparation of elements and powder coating with a DEMI station and a batch sewage neutralization installation. Designed for processing structures and elements made of steel, hot-dip galvanized steel and aluminum. For the chemical process of surface cleaning, a tact spray washer with the following arrangement of process baths is used: degreasing and alkaline etching; rinsing in process water; rinsing in demineralized water; passivation applying a conversion coating for excellent paint adhesion; rinsing in demineralized water. The chemical treatment is followed by the process of drying the workpieces, evaporation of water and hardening of the passivation. After drying, the cooled elements are sent to the next stages of the technological process. The application of paint coatings with the powder coating line can be carried out in parallel in two painting cabins: automatic and manual. Automatic guns maximize coating efficiency. Two through-feed chamber ovens are used to melt and harden the powder coating. The maximum size of workpieces to be painted is LxBxH=7500x800x1800 mm for an automatic cabin and LxBxH=7500x1200x1800 mm for a manual cabin. All operations performed in the technological process are carried out using specially designed inter-operation transport. The workpieces subjected to individual processes are suspended on the beams of the an overhead, tact transport system. It allows elements to be carried through subsequent process phases with one loading. After hardening of the paint coatings, the prepared elements are cooled before being transferred to the pre-assembly plant.
The chemical surface preparation process provided includes:
Degreasing / etching -> Rinsing (tap water) -> Rinsing (DEMI water) -> Zirconium passivation -> Rinsing (DEMI water) -> Drying
Fully automatic process of application and polymerization of paint coatings includes:
Powder coating -> Coating polymerization -> Cooling
Technological line components:
Tact spray washer - 3 zones (washing, degreasing and etching zone, rinsing zone, passivation zone), equipped with an automatic chemical dosing system. Maximum size of cleaned parts LxBxH= 7500x1200x1800 mm
Installation of rinsing water demi-circulation (use of water in a closed circuit)
SDryer for drying workpieces after water, pass-through
Automatic cabin for powder coating - possibility of painting large production series in an automatic line, with two manual repaints in difficult places. Made of PVC and stainless steel, equipped with manipulators and automatic guns, a paint recovery system, cyclone filter and an automatic fire extinguishing system. Maximum dimensions of the stack of painted details LxBxH = 7600x800x1800 mm
Manual cabin for powder coating – designed for painting large-size elements and details of unusual colors and difficult shapes requiring a lot of painters' involvement. Made of stainless steel, equipped with a paint recovery system, cyclone filter and an automatic fire extinguishing system. Maximum dimensions of the stack of painted details LxBxH=7600x1200x1800 mm
Application kit for powder painting
Through-feed chamber oven No. 1 for polymerization of powder paints - 6-track, working space dimensions LxBxH=7800x1900x2700 mm (maximum dimensions of workpieces LxBxH=7500x1200x1800 mm)
Through-feed chamber oven no. 2 for polymerization of powder paints - 3-track, working space dimensions LxBxH=7900x1400x2700 mm (maximum dimensions of workpieces LxBxH=7500x800x1800 mm)
Inter-operational technological transport carried out using a suspended transport system
Abrasive blasting chamber with operating equipment, located as an internal facility of the production hall, with acoustic and thermal insulation. Designed and intended for cleaning steel structure elements from oxides remaining after laser cutting, metal filings and other contaminants, as well as all corrosion products and old paint coatings (in the case of product regeneration). The dimensions of the chamber allow for the processing of large-size structural elements with dimensions up to LxBxH= 7500x1200x1800 mm. The cleaned elements are loaded into / out of the chamber according to the PESMENPOL solution – on the track.
Chamber with a steel structure covered with sandwich panels, with full internal rubber lining and a scraper floor.
Equipped with a transport gate (controlled from the inside and outside) and an service door with a peephole.
Complete system of limit protection, light and sound signals, emergency lighting and safety button.
Maximally reduced dust emissions to the outside thanks to the high filtration efficiency of the cartridges and the closed ventilation system.
Technical data:
Cleaning abrasive: steel shot
Internal dimensions of the working chamber: 9 x 4 x 3.5 m
Transport gate dimensions: 4 x 3 m
Pneumatic shot blast machine with a tank capacity of 200 l (working pressure 10 bar) with a system of smooth adjustment of the working pressure and a remotely controllable abrasive valve
Abrasive recirculation system
The function of blowing the cleaned element via the control lever at the working nozzle
Chamber dust collector with an air flow of at least 12,000 m3/h
Arrangement of ventilation ducts in the air recirculation system into the chamber
LED ceiling & side lighting
All devices and lighting controlled from one power supply & control board
Proper preparation and cleaning of components for further processing in the abrasive blasting process is extremely important to achieve the desired final product quality. The hook-type rotary shot blasting machine is designed for cleaning, removing corrosion, mill scale and impurities occurring on the surface of steel elements, solid materials and simple welded structures with the use of reusable abrasive. Cleaned elements with a maximum size of 1300 x 1600 mm are introduced into the working space by means of suspended running tracks. Two independent carriages with hooks allow the preparation of the next batch of elements during the ongoing blasting process.
Machine structure made of high-quality manganese steel.
Double-leaf door opened/closed by means of pneumatic actuators.
The design of the rotor allows for additional adjustment of the direction of the shot streams in relation to the workpieces.
Frequency converters allow for smooth regulation of the energy of the ejected shot by changing the rotational speed of the turbines.
The abrasive separator combined with a bucket elevator and a dedusting system in the working chamber guarantees the cleaning of the abrasive from dust impurities.
Technical data:
Cleaning abrasive: steel shot
Transport gate dimensions: 1500 x 1900 mm
Hook load capacity: 500 kg
Three turbines distributing abrasive (abrasive outlet velocity min. 75 m/s, abrasive flow min. 165 kg/min)
Automatic abrasive dispenser
Scraper floor system in front of the blasting machine with an additional blowing system for the workpiece
Abrasive tank equipped with a unit for controlling the amount of shot in circulation
Remotely controlled workpiece transport system
Chamber dust collector with a system of ventilation ducts, min. 12,000 m3/h
Position sensors for machine-mounted mechanisms, limit switches, safety button
PESMENPOL Spółka z o.o.
Technology Center - Production Facility No. 3
12 Drogowcow Str., PL 32-400 Myslenice, Poland