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I. Information about Company

The owner of the website is PESMENPOL sp. o.o., operating in the field of production and assembly of professional team game equipment, fixed and mobile equipment for sports halls, gymnasiums, outdoor sports fields and stadiums, and tribune production. The registered office of the company is located in Myślenice (Poland) at Drogowcow Str. No. 12.

Identification data:

PESMENPOL is registered in the District Court for Kraków-Śródmieście in Kraków, XII Commercial Division of the National Court Register under the number KRS 0000438686.

VAT ID PL 681-205-48-22

REGON 122700668


Adress for correspondence:

PESMENPOL Sp. z o. o.

ul. Drogowców 12, 32-400 Myślenice


Other contact details:

helpline: +48 12 272 00 00

tel.: +48 12 273 06 40

faks: +48 12 273 06 42


II. Submission of inquiries

1. The PESMENPOL company makes it possible to submit inquiries in one of the following ways:

- via the website

- via e-mail sent to the addresses: or

- by fax to the number: + 48 12 273 06 42.

2. All information regarding goods directed by PESMENPOL to recipients and potential customers does not constitute an offer within the meaning of the law, and is only an invitation to start negotiations. In each case, prices are set individually, depending on the Client's needs.

3. Using the website and submitting inquiries through it is possible for the user with the following equipment:

- a PC computer, or a mobile device equipped with an operating system and allowing connection to the Internet;

- broadband Internet connection;

- web browser that supports HTML, JavaScript and CSS standards;

- running Cookies service;

- an active e-mail account.

III. Order realization

1. The condition for receiving a valid price offer is sending an inquiry with specification of the size and parameters of the sports facility.

2. The condition of acceptance of the order for execution is a written acceptance of the offer by the Customer.

3. The ordered goods are delivered via one of the available carriers (courier, company transport) selected in the process of submitting the inquiry.

4. The time of receiving the order by the Customer consists of: order preparation time (production, completion and preparation for shipment) and delivery time (and eventual assembly time), depending on the option selected in the inquiry process.

5. Together with the goods, a VAT invoice or a cash register receipt (according to the Customer's request) is issued, with the terms of the guarantee. In the absence of any of these documents, please contact PESMENPOL staff.

6. The Customer has the right in the presence of a forwarder check the contents of the shipment for possible damage during transport. If the Customer finds such damage, it is necessary to prepare a report in the presence of the forwarder, which is necessary to accept the complaint.

IV. Payment methods

1. PESMENPOL provides the following payment methods:

- cash on delivery,

- cash payment upon personal collection,

- payment by bank transfer to the company's bank account.

2. Bank accounts of the PESMENPOL company:

Bank account PLN: Bank PEKAO SA No.87 1240 5051 1111 0010 4847 5546

Bank account EUR: Bank PEKAO SA No.PL 03 1240 5051 1978 0010 5127 0473 SWIFT: PKOPPLPW

V. Warranty

1. All products are covered by the warranty. As a rule, the warranty period is 24 months (or manufacturer's warranty), and any possible exceptions (extension of the warranty period) from this rule are indicated in the concluded individual Contracts.

2. It is essential to keep the proof of purchase of the product (receipt, VAT invoice issued by PESMENPOL) and attach this document in the case of a complaint of goods, based on a guarantee provided by PESMENPOL.

3. The Customer's rights under the Guarantee expire automatically:

- after the warranty period;

- in the event of any changes or modifications made by the Customer;

- in the case of the use of the goods not in accordance with its intended use.

4. Reporting a defect of the goods by the Customer and the initiation of the complaint procedure takes place upon receipt by PESMENPOL of the complaint application (in writing or in the form of a completed Service Order Form). PESMENPOL considers complaints no later than within 14 business days of their receipt. If it is necessary to send a service team to the place where the device is installed, the time limit for processing a warranty claim can be extended to 28 working days.

5. If, in the course of analyzing the legitimacy of a complaint and inspection of a defective product or part of it, PESMENPOL finds a violation of the terms of the guarantee, in particular the goods or parts thereof have been modified in terms of physical properties, PESMENPOL will inform the Customer and the Customer is obliged to cover the costs incurred by PESMENPOL.

6. The guarantee for the sold consumer goods does not exclude, limit or suspend the rights of the Buyer towards the seller of consumer goods under the provisions of the warranty for defects in the item sold.

Complaint procedure

- Reporting a complaint requires a written form - a ready form of the Service Order is available for download at the website

- Completed complaint notification can be sent:

by e-mail to the address: or

by fax to the number: + 48 12 273 06 42 or

by traditional mail to the following address:

PESMENPOL Sp. z o. o.

12 Drogowcow Street, PL 32-400 Myslenice


- A proof of purchase (a copy of the sales document) and a warranty card must be presented at the complaint.

VI. Personal Data Protection: privacy policy and Cookie policy

1. By registering on the PESMENPOL website, the Customer voluntarily agrees to the processing of his personal data, retaining the right to access, correct and delete them from the address database.

2. PESMENPOL guarantees compliance with the provisions of the Personal Data Protection Act of August 29, 1997 and a guarantee that they will not be disclosed to other natural or legal persons. The Client's personal data will be processed only for the purpose of preparing the offer and for completing the order, including invoice issuance and financial reporting. This data is confidential.

3. During the visit on the PESMENPOL website, cookies are automatically collected (text files saved on the User's computer). Their role is to collect information related to the use of the website by the User. 

4. The User may delete saved cookies at any time, as well as block the possibility of saving them, by changing the settings of the web browser. However, please note that not accepting cookies may cause difficulties in using the site

5. The site also uses Google Analytics - an online analytics service provided by Google Inc. Google Analytics collects cookies files that are information about website visits and User's system profile (including IP address). This information is passed to Google and stored by Google. The information collected is used by the company to create reports on site traffic for website operators and to provide other services related to website traffic and Internet usage.